Handling multiple errors in Rust iterator adapters
17 Dec 2023
Approaches for handling multiple errors within iterator adapters
Better FastAPI Background Jobs
29 Aug 2022
A more featureful background task runner for Async apps like FastAPI or Discord bots
Better FastAPI Background Jobs
Better Background Tasks for FastAPI or Discord.py
The built-in background tasks from starlette are useful for running a job that you don’t want to make the API response wait for, but they lack some features I was looking for such as; repeated runs, point in time runs, and cron-like functionality
- Pros
- Runs after response is returned
- Simply runs jobs in the same runtime
- Cons
- Didn’t support Cron or Future Scheduled jobs
- No ability to persist jobs across restarts
Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler)
Eventually I found APScheduler, which seemed to offer a nice amount on functionality without the need to set up a separate runtime for the jobs
- Pros
- Simply runs jobs in the same runtime
- Support Cron or Future Scheduled jobs
- Ability to persist jobs across restarts
- Cons
- Doesn’t automatically wait until after response is returned (solved with workaround)
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler
from fastapi import FastAPI
scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler()
format='%(asctime)s - %(process)s - %(name)s:%(lineno)d - %(levelname)s -'
' %(message)s',
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# setup preconfigured jobs to run using the decorator
@scheduler.scheduled_job('interval', minutes=1)
async def example_heartbeat():
now = datetime.now()
logger.info(f'Time: {now}')
app = FastAPI()
# Start the scheduler running with a fastapi startup job
async def startup_jobs():
async def my_job(registered_ts):
now_ts = datetime.now()
logger.info(f"Job {registered_ts=}, {now_ts=}")
async def root():
now = datetime.now()
when = now + timedelta(minutes=5)
# schedule adhoc jobs as needed
my_job, 'date', run_date=when, kwargs={'registered_ts': now}
Alternate implementation, not running until after response
from fastapi import BackgroundTasks
async def root(background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
now = datetime.now()
when = now + timedelta(minutes=5)
# schedule adhoc jobs as needed (but after response returns)
scheduler.add_job, my_job, 'date', run_date=when, kwargs={'registered_ts': now}
What this enabled me to do with my Home Automation projects
- Automatically switch of lights in my home
- at particular times of the day
- after a fixed delay since a motion sensor last activated or another trigger occurred
- Periodically check if conditions had been met to send me alerts
Other options I considered
Repeated Tasks
from fastapi-utils
- Pros
- Support for periodic jobs from startup (was sufficient for my initial use-cases)
- Simply runs jobs in the same runtime
- Cons
- Didn’t support Cron or Future Scheduled jobs
- No ability to persist jobs across restarts
Seemed a bit too heavy weight, requiring more complex configuration